We highlighted this crime on our Lincoln Crimestoppers blog, not because they were the best photos we've ever seen, but because the pattern visible on the back of one of the hoodies was pretty identifiable. All week long, officers have been looking at this photo, displayed on the plasma screens during lineup (our name for what other departments typically refer to as roll call).

Around 9:30 PM, Officers Forrest Dalton and Jason Brownell were driving in the 900 block of S. 14th Street, when Jason spotted the pattern on the jacket. The officers stopped and one of the two defendants bolted. He was caught after a short foot pursuit, and a hastily-discarded Colt .45 auto was located in a window well right beside him. The two defendants, ages 14 and 16, were both lodged in the detention center, and the neighborhood is now just a little safer.
The case reminds me of this one, from earlier this year.
What sort of sentence was handed down in that earlier case, can we realistically expect a similar sentence for these two little darlings, and being juvies, will they probably be released on PR or a very low bond after being arraigned?
p.s. May you and your wife enjoy a happy 36th! Wednesday, isn't it?
Never mind about Roy Burns' sentence. I just looked him up, and he's still a fugitive.
How cute... a 16 year old mentor with his 14 year old apprentice.
Was the .45 handgun recovered in this incident a stolen weapon?
Gun Nut
Gun Nut-
Yes, we think in probably is a stolen pistol, but we have yet to determine where from. This may be a crime that has not yet been reported--the victim may not know the gun is missing. Follow-up will continue.
The business that have the old video cams should be embarrassed. How about getting digital and protecting the employee with clear photographs. Most of the ones are not worth looking at.
The crimestoppers link is dead...
How about that, Officer Flood just now emailed me to forewarn me that she had removed the Gas Plus robbery from the Crimestoppers blog, since it's a solved case. I changed the link and included one of the actual photos in the main post, so you can see what I'm referring to about the pattern on the back of the jacket.
Most of the newer CCTV DVRs can easily DL selected footage to a USB stick or an SD card. Can your cruisers' ruggedized laptop/MDT then load those media for upload to dispatch and rapid distro as part of a broadcast?
Our mobile data backbone operates at 9600 baud in most of the fleet, with a screaming 19.2K in the newer vehicles. At that bandwidth, we won't be uploading or downloading any video.
Broadband access points are in our project list, which might make some of this technically possible--though still a lot to put in the pipe.
I'm no expert on this subject, but my personal experience with grabbing a clip from a DVR and converting it to a non-proprietary format like .avi or .wmv are a little different than you describe--requiring quite a bit of fiddling with codecs, frame rates, and other settings. No doubt some systems are easier in this regard than others.
I would like to be the first to commend both Jason and Forrest for not only spotting the offender, but also catching him.
It's always nice to have officers like these two who always give you nice things to write about.
Great job!
Glad you were watching out for us and captured these criminals. We want them off the streets and in jail. Oh by the way if I remember Chief Casady you are going to have a Happy Birthday soon so enjoy :)
I've come to know Officer Brownell over the past few months and I can attest that he is what the LPD can be proud of. LPD is definetly better off with him on the job. Pass on a "good job" to him.
I see the Sheriff's office is investigating a burglary that occurred Aug. 3rd or 4th and involved a stolen handgun. Maybe that is your Colt .45 auto that was found with these two teens.
Nope, it's a Glock.
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