Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Retirees appreciated

Last week, we held a luncheon for our retired police officers and civilian personnel at the Northeast Team's Station in University Place. We had a great turnout, ranging from some very recent retirees to some pretty seasoned veterans.

After a nice lunch and a short talk about some of the issues the department is dealing with at the present, everyone had a chance for a tour of the facility, and we ended up in the conference room where help was solicited identifying the personnel in many old photos. Do yourself a favor and write those names on the back of prints as soon as you get them. And get cranking on my digital collection, too.

These men and women committed their lives to public service. When I joined LPD, many of them were in supervisory and command ranks. The department wasn't without flaws, but I came to work for an organization with strong values and a strong work ethic, where misconduct was rare and wasn't tolerated well. I learned a lot from the example of my supervisors, particularly those that were upbeat, enthusiastic, and clearly enjoyed what they were doing. I think they still do. They still follow the trials and tribulations of LPD, and despite the moaning and groaning we all do during our work lives, they're still stuck to this department like glue.

When I walked up to the front of the building, one of our newest rookies, freshly assigned to the Northeast Team, was on the steps shaking hands with one of our most senior retirees. It was a nice picture. I guarantee you he wished he could change places with Derek, and was thinking back to the day he was in the same place, just starting out on an incredibly exciting, challenging, and fulfilling career at the Lincoln Police Department.

Thanks are due to Capt. Joy Citta, Michele Selvage, Sgt. Don Scheinost, Officer Katie Flood, and Mallory the Intern for organizing the event, and to Capt. Doug Srb and his staff for hosting.


Anonymous said...


you will like this one

your favorite friend

Tom Casady said...

Great, just what we need.

Anonymous said...

So Tom...as a retired LPD officer WHY post (Anon. 10:03) something that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the good post about the open house? I'm tooooo old to try and get into the State Theater and look at that crap. It might give me another heart attack.

Tom Casady said...

Anonymous 6:13-

Obviously it has nothing to do with the original post, but I think 10:03 was trying to let me know that someone appears to be advertising an activity which is (potentially) unlawful, and just chose to post it on my blog rather than send an email or make a phone call. I'll take tips any way I can get them.

Anonymous said...

I bet you are the waiter that takes other employees tips?

Tom Casady said...


You're funny. I was speaking about crime tips.